Welcome to the Sheffield Weather website. A Weather web site dedicated to the weather of Sheffield South Yorkshire united kingdom. Here you will find live weather feeds, lightning detection and records and averages of the weather going back to 1955. I also do a local five day forecast weather forecast for Sheffield and Rotherham.
The family has been recording weather since 1955 and over the years the recording of weather has moved into the digital world allowing me to present live weather data so you can see what the wind is doing , how hot it’s getting or how cold it’s getting. You can check whether there are any storms nearby by looking at the live lightning.
If you’re looking for data well you can access the electronic data from 2002 to present and also Weather data recorded via the Stephenson screen since 2006. You can also access all of the temperature and rainfall averages from 1955.
If you’re wishing to have a copy of the data drop me a line via the contact form and I’ll get back to you. If you do use the data either on a web site or for any scientific papers please Donate by clicking on the Donate menu. This will help to replace equipment used for the site which is very expensive and does wear out over the years or simple gets broken. I would also be interested in any papers that are published so send me the link. I may even link to the paper from this web site.
The image on the left shows mist and sunlight through the woods walking up to Stannage edge in the Derbyshire peak district.
The two web sites www.sheffieldweather.co.uk and www.sheffieldweather.net have now been merged into one. I tidied up the web site structure so you'll need to update any bookmarks for Davis and Stevenson data. The data is still there just moved location. Unfortunately I cannot to make the site IPV6 compliant as there isn't an easy to do this due to the way IPV6 is implemented.
Is the spring like weather going to continue? See the latest local forecast for the Sheffield region Click here.
The weather data for February 2025 is now available on the website. I've also altered the top ten warmest, coldest and rainfall monthly records to show the top twenty years. I few small corrections were made as well. The Boltek Lightning detection has been repaired so should be back up and running with any interference.
Weather data is now also available on Bluesky. free from the likes of Musk
The web site now features the running monthly averages so one can see how the month is going so far compared the following averages. The 1961 - 1990 standard and the 1991 - 2020 average. Click here to see it.
I have posted some reviews on the Davis Vantage pro2 , New tipping bucket from Davis, the WiFi logger and now the Davis Sonic and analogue Anemometers. The live weather page also now displays the full range pollution levels plus soil moisture leaf wetness grass min and sun temperatures and also soil temperatures. There is also a new weather trends graph with soil temperatures, soil moisture and Leaf Wetness now available. The trends graph has been updated so it now shows the soil temperatures and air pollution. There is also a report into the Snow storm in March. Under glossaries you'll see a new page explaining Air Pollution measurements.
As of November 15th 2024 I've added a few more charts and tables. These include the 1961 - 1990 daily mean and also the daily temperature versus the daily max and min from 1961 - 1990 and 1991 - 2020. This allows you to see at any time of the month whether we are above average or below for the time of year.
Due to Elon Musk changes to twitter API I'm now an X twitter and link directly to weathercloud instead. This does have one advantage that allows you to compare to local weather stations as well.
Those looking for previous months data and monthly data over the years will find it here. www.sheffieldweather.net/stevenson.htm.
The Davis weather station can be found here. www.sheffieldweather.net/davis_weather_data.htm Those wishing to see the Davis yearly records can look here. www.sheffieldweather.net/thisyear.htm The monthly Davis records from 2003 can seen here. www.sheffieldweather.net/monthlyrecord.htm The Davis weather station all records can be seen here. www.sheffieldweather.net/record.htm
You may also find the following web sites of interest: antveals, www.mylocalweather.org.uk , Met Office www.metoffice.gov.uk , Netweathers fine website www.netweather.tv , Met office WOW website wow.metoffice.gov.uk, British Weather Extremes www.torro.org.uk/extremes, CumulusmX support CumulusMx forums